Housing Director:  Karen Patota (acting), Christine O’Reilly, Phone screens & interviews

House Mother: Linda Rittenhouse

Housing Board: Marie Belisario, Stacey Gill, Nancy Machon,, Penny Pavucek, Pete Rawson

Location: Phoenixville, PA

Contact Us

Leave a message at 484-566-3894 and/or [email protected]

Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be pregnant, 18 or older, drug and alcohol free, agree to participate in all Housing programs and abide by all house rules. She should be willing to work toward goals, such as housing, education, employment, have a cell phone, and make good life choices.

*Please note: Due to limited space, spouses and/or other children cannot live at the home, but Phoenixville has several public spaces to visit with family and friends.

How We Help
A Baby’s Breath Housing offers a transitional maternity home for up to four (4) pregnant women. Applications are accepted at any time during the pregnancy.  During their stay, residents must participate in all core services offered by A Baby’s Breath, including prenatal and parenting classes, weekly advocate and house meetings, and other appointments as deemed necessary. The advocates will mentor and advise on next steps to help the client reach their goals, including guidance on where to apply for longer term housing support, parenting their child, or offering adoption information and support.  A Baby’s Breath does not guarantee housing after the birth of a child. 

Through the program, residents will learn how to take care of a home by being responsible for their own chores including: laundry, grocery shopping, meal planning, and preparation. They will also work with a volunteer who will help them gain an understanding of the importance of repairing, building and maintaining their credit score. This will help them learn about budgeting and saving a portion of any income they may have to put towards a down payment on a home or apartment. Clients will be encouraged to complete or continue their education, as well as develop interviewing and job skills, to promote independent living. All services are provided free of charge to residents due to generous donations.